
We interviewed Mr.XXX last week. We asked him some questions about when and why he came to Japan. He said it was 40 years ago. When he was a student in university. He went to Taiwan for study about one year and then he went back to the USA to finishi his degree. At that time he met his wife who could speak Japanese. He also wanted to sutdy something about Japanese culture. He was surprised that there were a lot of rules and manners in Japan , but now he has gotten usred to Japanese life. Then he said he wants Japanese to become more open. Last, we asked him, "Will you go back home after retirement ?" He answered"No" He wants to live here, because his family is in Japan and he likes Nara very much.



In 2009’s New Year it’s a bad year for me, because I want to go back in Chinese Year, I must save up money. So I only did take a part job during the New Year. But before the New Year I sent New Year’s card for my family and my friends.


A famous foreigner in Japan

Today i am going to introduce a man comes from Mongol. Now he is very famous in Japan. His name is Asasyouryou. He was born in 1980. He came to Japan about 10 years ago. He is a sumo wrestler. Sumo is a Japanese sports.And he wants to be the best sumo.Japan is the best place for sumo so he came here.Afer tring hard, he obtained the highest sumo rank.It's called Yokozuna.



1. When you were child, did you have a dream to be a famous person?
A. Yes
B. No
2. What kind of famous person did you want to be?
A. President
B. Good teacher
C. Scientist
D. Others( )
3. Did you try your best to make your goal come true?
A. Yes
B. No
4. If it didn’t come true, why not?
A. I Gave up
B. It just dream
C. I changed my dream
D. Other( )

I think everybody has a dream when they were child. I also had a dream but now it didn’t come true. I hope one day the dream will come true. So today I made survey about dream. I asked 6 people 4 questions. In the first question 98% chose A 2% chose B. In the second question, everybody had different dream. In the third question 80% chose B 20% chose A. In the fourth question 80% chose C 20% chose B. From the answers we can know it sometimes dream is only a dream, it can’t come true. When we are child, if we haven’t dream we can’t grow up. We can get power, if we have goals..


Famous kungfu star Jackie Chan

Today I will introduce a famous star who makes movies and who is an actor. His name is Jackie Chan. He is very famous star in China, even in Hollywood. When he was young he began to study Chinese gongfu and classical Chinese opera. He wants to be a director and an International superstar, so he must go to Hollywood, because Hollywood is bigger than Chinese film market. He went to Hollywood in 1982, but he failed. He didn’t lose heart, and after some years he returns to Hollywood. Jackie then co-starred with Chris Tucker in the 1998 buddy cop action comedy Rush Hour. He is a very professional actor. When he shoots a dangerous film he never uses stunt nen, he always does it by himself.



1. what do you want to do when you graduated from this university ?
(1) Go on study in graduate school
(2) To work
(3) To get married
(4) Other
There are 5 people chose (2) in six people. The left one chose (4).

2. If you chose go on study in graduate school what kind of university do you want to go?
(1) Private university
(2) State university
(3) Go abroad to choose university
(4) Other
There are 5 people chose (3) in six people. The left one chose (4).

3. If you chose to work what kind of works do you like?
(1) Make company by yourself
(2) To work in major company
(3) To work in normal company
(4) Other
There are 2 people chose (2) and 2 people chose (3) in six people. The left 2 people chose (4) and (1).

4. If you chose go abroad to study which countries do you want to go?
(1) America
(2) England
(3) Australia
(4) Canada
(5) Other
There are 3 people chose (4) in six people. The left 3 people chose (2),(3)and(5).
5. I know lots of student when they graduated from university they chose get married, do you think it is good for you?
(1) Yes
(2) No
There are 4 people chose (2) in six people. The left 2 people chose (1).

When we graduate from university or high school, we will face a choice. Now a lot of students don’t know what they will do in the future. So I made a survey about future.I asked six students five questions. All of the six students are female. The first question is “what do you want to do when you graduate from school?” 95% choose (2) to work. 5% choose (4) other.
I was interested in question 2. That is “if you choose to go on to study in graduate school what kind of university do you want to go?” In this question 95% (3) university abroad. From this question we can see the students in this time want to go abroad to study they want to go elsewhere for a change,and they want to study something about an other country’s culture.
I didn’t ask all of the students, just six female students. But from these students we know most of the female students also want to work and go abroad, but a small number female student want to get married when they graduate.


Friday, November 7th, 2008

1. This is a photo of after Bonfire night.
2. It was taken a day after Bonfire night.
3. I think it is One could be forgiven for thinking Guy Fawkes himself had returned to wreck havoc on more than just the houses of Parliament