

1. what do you want to do when you graduated from this university ?
(1) Go on study in graduate school
(2) To work
(3) To get married
(4) Other
There are 5 people chose (2) in six people. The left one chose (4).

2. If you chose go on study in graduate school what kind of university do you want to go?
(1) Private university
(2) State university
(3) Go abroad to choose university
(4) Other
There are 5 people chose (3) in six people. The left one chose (4).

3. If you chose to work what kind of works do you like?
(1) Make company by yourself
(2) To work in major company
(3) To work in normal company
(4) Other
There are 2 people chose (2) and 2 people chose (3) in six people. The left 2 people chose (4) and (1).

4. If you chose go abroad to study which countries do you want to go?
(1) America
(2) England
(3) Australia
(4) Canada
(5) Other
There are 3 people chose (4) in six people. The left 3 people chose (2),(3)and(5).
5. I know lots of student when they graduated from university they chose get married, do you think it is good for you?
(1) Yes
(2) No
There are 4 people chose (2) in six people. The left 2 people chose (1).

When we graduate from university or high school, we will face a choice. Now a lot of students don’t know what they will do in the future. So I made a survey about future.I asked six students five questions. All of the six students are female. The first question is “what do you want to do when you graduate from school?” 95% choose (2) to work. 5% choose (4) other.
I was interested in question 2. That is “if you choose to go on to study in graduate school what kind of university do you want to go?” In this question 95% (3) university abroad. From this question we can see the students in this time want to go abroad to study they want to go elsewhere for a change,and they want to study something about an other country’s culture.
I didn’t ask all of the students, just six female students. But from these students we know most of the female students also want to work and go abroad, but a small number female student want to get married when they graduate.

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